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Concurso de Fotografía Curso de Verano 2022
Curso de Verano
PTS Junior
JTP - Bilingüismo
Trabaja en ModLang
Profesores para conversación
Conversation classes form an integral part of the PTS (Professional Training System) and provide essential training in speaking skills for ModLang Pupils, both Juniors and adults. Contracts for Conversation Teachers are for 25 contact hours per week and may include some hours of correction work and language laboratory assistance. Most positions run from September to June but some start at other points in the academic year.
Teacher Profile
Conversation teachers should be native speakers of English qualified to degree level in any discipline area and need not hold a specific TEFL qualification. Experience in Communication Skills is an advantage. Good Teachers are those who enjoy working with people, have a wide range of interests and good general knowledge. Teachers may come from many different parts of the world but should hold an EU passport.
Teaching resources are provided by ModLang for every day of the week so that class preparation is minimal and simply involves familiarizing oneself whith the subjects for debate, preparing vocabulary etc. Conversation Teachers are not be responsible for teaching grammar but they will be expected to correct Pupils´ mistakes while offering encouragement and support.
Job profile
A voluntary Training Programme (20 hours minimum) must be completed by teachers which usually takes one week. Thereafter full-time Conversation Teachers work 25 contact hours per week, from Monday to Friday and alternate Saturday mornings. The timetable varies weekly. The work is varied and entertaining and an ideal opportunity to gain experience and insight in TEFL for teachers new to this field or for experienced teachers to enjoy a more relaxed approach to teaching as a break from more demanding post.
Please complete the
Application Form for Conversation Teachers
and forward it to ModLang.
Applications may be made at any time of the year but should be in the end of March for positions beginning mid September.
All Applicants selected will be required to attend an interview held at ModLang or in cities around the UK in April each year.
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¡Sólo enseñamos inglés!
ModLang S.L. - Residencial Paraíso, 2 local 56 - 50008 Zaragoza (España) - Telf. (+34) 976333333
®ModLang S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
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